Friday, September 19, 2008

The Magic of the Dinner Table

There is something truly beautiful that happens when you connect with close friends around a meal...when authenticity meets a ribeye and a bottle of wine. Sarah and I had such an evening tonight with another couple. Laughter, struggles, gratitude, and tears all found it's way out so organically. Nothing forced...No agendas except to just know each other and to be known. The couple were a few more years down the road age-wise and carried the wisdom of walking with the Lord and often pointed things to scripture. It felt like a glimpse of the Wedding Feast to come when we will join around the table as the grateful beloved and share a meal together. We may find ourselves sitting at a grand table wanting to share bites of each other's food because everything is so exquisite. We may drop a fork on a white shirt(which I did tonight) and just laugh about it. I have no doubt that that Feast will be about true relationship and food.

Two things I love...

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