Thursday, September 4, 2008

I think I might be a geek...

Not the kind that actually remembers important things like numbers, dates, schedules, lyrics, or anything else with any sort of detail...I'm kind of a geek about Apple. Don't ask me to remember what I did today or what I'm supposed to do tomorrow...but start talking about what Apple is coming out with this next Tuesday at the September "event", I can tell you what everyone is speculating. I'm the guy who will ask you if you have this new app for the iphone that allows you to stream your home itunes library on your iphone while your away from home. I'm the guy that will ask you if you have seen this trick that the mac can do(hit Command+Option+Control+8). If you have the new iphone, my first questions will be, "How is your battery life, is the network holding up, and are you dropping calls?" brother and his wife both got the new iphone out in Los Angeles and they said they are dropping calls all over the place. My friends here in Nashville don't seem to be having the same problems with it but the jury is still out.

1 comment:

  1. um... Chad! I drop calls all over Nashville. I think our friends just don't want to admit that the iPhone has it's flaws. I'm with you and you're totally not a geek. One question I have for you... Do you think that we'll finally get cut and paste in a September update?


Let me know what you think!