Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Shack

I just got done reading The Shack. I start two nights ago but read the bulk of it through the better part of today. I have never wept so many times reading a book. I feel like I should communicate that I am a crier. There. I admit it. I own it. It only takes a moment in a movie, a story told with redemption, or a well written song that shines a light on a place inside of me I have never seen. I cry.

This book takes some liberties with painting the trinity with the father as a black woman and the Spirit as a super interesting Asian woman. Jesus kind of played himself in this story as a Middle Eastern Jewish Man. Don't let the liberties scare you. The story of redemption that gets played out in this book is simply beautiful and the truth and love behind the character of God resonated so deeply with me.

It is such a worthy read.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just started that book, don't tell me that 'cause I'm a cryer also. I just found our blog and it made me think that I'd heard your name before. So, I went thru my CDs and saw that you were the one who did The Worship Room. A student of mine while at Baylor gave me that CD...well done! Peace!


Let me know what you think!