Thursday, January 15, 2009

Listen here Cupcake....

Yesterday, I went to lunch with Carl Cartee and Barry Weeks at Boscos in Cool Springs. It was chilly outside and we noticed on the way in that there was a Bocci court. I'm not even sure if it is called a "court" but there were two areas outlined to play. I looked at Carl and said, " We are totally going to play after lunch." He smiled really big and said, "You're On". We went in and ate and on the way out, Barry asked if we could stop by Starbucks on the way back. Carl and I said sure, all while walking towards the Bocci "court". It turned out that the court was muddy as in the kind of mud that will build up on your shoes until it feels like you are walking around with bricks on your feet. We were a little bit disappointed that we couldn't play. As we were walking towards Barry's car, I looked up and saw Gigi's cupcakes. I said a sentence that has never come out of my mouth. I said, "guys...what about a cupcake". Carl laughed out loud and said, "We are totally getting a cupcake". I have watched this recent cupcake craze from the outside looking in. I like a in...if there are cupcakes at a party, I might eat one. That being said, we walked in and the nice lady behind the counter gave us an audio tour of the cupcakes in the display case. For some reason, none of them looked appetizing because the icing was piled as high as the cake itself almost making them look top-heavy. I was about to bail when Barry offered to pay. I was still not going to get a cupcake but he insisted so I ordered one. To give a brief synopsis of our experience, I don't think I will go back. I would give the cake part of the cupcake a solid grade of a "B" and the icing would get a dismal "D". But don't take my word for it cupcake. For $3, make your own assessment.

Let me know what you think.

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